Dr. Shelley-Anne Peleg

Akko Above and Below
Available in Hebrew any time at "Lectures from your Armchair", or order in English
Tunnels, citadels and ancient crypts, underneith the living city of today, tell the story of the Crusaders in the Holyland. Mosques, colorful markets, fortifications, the fishing port in the historical Ottoman city, situated above the crusader remains. Hear about these remains, the current residences and their unique connection to the city.

Ancient Builders and Archaeologists in Caesarea
Available in Hebrew any time at "Lectures from your Armchair" or order in English
Herod established Caesarea at the end of the first century BC as a major port city. Archaeological excavations uncovered his city, the port and other structures. The lecture presents these discoveries, historical excavations and ongoing site developments and preservation projects.

Suprizing Archaeological discoveries
A series of 4 lectures in Hebrew any time. Order in English!
Every year, new archeological sites are uncovered, some of which are destroyed during construction and development works, others are abandoned and a minority are restored.
This series includes 4 lectures on some suprizing discoveries from different places in Israel:
* Following Ancient OO's
* The Ancient Agricultural Branch of Doves
* Ancient Wineries Industry * "Faces", Fountains and Masks

Yigal Yadin's excavations in the Judean Desert
18.4.2021 at 20:30 (Hebrew) Lecture series of M.T.G. or order in English
In 1952, after retiring from the IDF, Professor Yigal Yadin, followed his father, Professor Eliezer Sukenik, and became an archeaologist. This lecture presents the discovoriy of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Bar Kochva Caves and Massada. .